On December 26, 2023, the U.S. Sentencing Commission (“USSC”) proposed several amendments to its Guidelines Manual (the “Guidelines”). Two of these proposed amendments have the potential to especially impact sentencing decisions in white collar criminal cases. In particular, one amendment changes the rule for calculating loss, and another provides new options regarding the consideration of acquitted conduct.
Rule for Calculating Loss
The USSC’s proposed revision to the Guidelines’ rules for calculating loss arises out of an effort to continually evaluate and ...
New episode of our podcast, Speaking of Litigation: FBI! Open up! Is your organization prepared to handle a government investigation?
Guilty or not, having a preparedness plan in place for when a government agency comes knocking is just as important as conducting a company fire drill.
In this episode of Speaking of Litigation, Epstein Becker Green litigators Alkida Kacani, George Breen, and Eric Moran discuss a few of the most common (and invasive) legal maneuvers government investigators may take when approaching a company or its employees.
When dealing with civil ...
In a brush-back pitch to DOJ opioid initiatives, the U.S. Supreme Court this past June issued an important decision clarifying the mental state the government must establish to convict a licensed medical professional of illegal drug distribution under the federal Controlled Substances Act (“CSA”). No longer can a doctor be convicted of such a crime based on objectively unreasonable prescribing practices alone. The government now must show that the medical professional subjectively, knowingly, and intentionally prescribed a controlled substance with no legitimate medical purpose. While unlikely to materially impact the number of DOJ opioid prosecutions, the case will no doubt inform charging decisions in marginal cases and will support important defense arguments at trial.
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